Planning a visit to the gynecologist can leave you feeling anxious, and often take weeks to schedule. Fortunately, the professional team at A+ Urgent Care in Las Vegas, Nevada, offer convenient women’s health care services for women of all ages seeking care. Whether you’re looking to have a preventive well-woman exam, pregnancy test, or urinalysis, the team approaches your health with compassion and transparency. To book an appointment for you or a family member, reach out online or utilize the walk-in services today.

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What is women’s health? 

Women’s health includes care for adolescents and adult women looking to treat a particular concern or undergo an annual well-woman exam.

A+ Urgent Care offers services ranging from pregnancy tests, vaginal issues, birth control counseling, or urinalysis.

You can utilize the walk-in service for your wellness exam, or schedule it ahead of time. Once you’re sexually active, or once you turn 21, physicians recommend these exams annually.

Most insurances cover annual exams, but A+ Urgent Care accepts patients with and without insurance.

What women’s health services are available? 

A+ Urgent Care offers several services, including:

  • Well-woman exams
  • Pregnancy tests
  • Urinalysis
  • Urinary tract infection (UTI) treatment
  • Vaginal complaints
  • Yeast infections
  • Birth control counseling
  • Menopause management
  • STI testing
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines
  • Morning sickness
  • Endometriosis and fibroids care
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) care

The A+ Urgent Care team can also refer you to a board-certified OB/GYN or reproductive health specialist.

What happens during a women’s health exam? 

Your provider first takes your vitals and asks about your overall health and family medical history before performing three exams.

Breast exam

Your provider first has you change into a paper robe. You then sit on the exam table and place your arm up behind your head. They use two fingers to create circular motions around your breasts, allowing them to detect any abnormalities or signs of breast cancer.

Your provider teaches you how to do this technique at home, which they encourage regularly.

Pelvic exam

For this exam, you lie comfortably on your back on the exam table and place your feet in stirrups at the end of the table. Your provider inserts a speculum, or lubricated small metal tool, into your vagina. You can expect this to be a little cold, but painless.

Your provider checks your vulva, vagina, uterus, and cervix for noticeable signs of cysts, STDs, or cancer.

Pap smear

During your pelvic exam, your provider uses a small, long swab to collect cells from your cervix. The team sends this to an outside lab that tests them for cancer.

Physicians encourage pap smears every 3-5 years.

Your provider may also recommend a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine if you haven’t yet received one.

For convenient and comprehensive women’s health services, visit A+ Urgent Care today or schedule an appointment online.